The Mid-Autumn Festival 2013

The Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋节), is one of the feel-good traditional Chinese festivals. I remember the lanterns, drinking tea, eating mooncakes, and appreciating the beauty of the moon. It's about giving thanks, celebrating harvest, and generally to relax. Hopefully, people have worked hard during the spring and the summer seasons, and can afford to relax a bit. Children also have a lot of fun carrying lanterns at night (if they are not up to any mischief like burning stuff). Parents are less worried about their kids compared to the Festival of the Hungry Ghosts (中元节), where kids may be mistaken as offerings by the famished spirits. The time around the Mid-Autumn Festival is also considered an auspicious time to get married. For the Chinese community, it's almost like the peak period during the year for holding wedding banquets.
